Are Solar Panels a Good Investment in 2023?

Solar panels are generally a good, worthwhile investment for many people. However, there are certain situations in which investing in solar panels wouldn’t be a wise choice. Because there are so many questions that come up when people wonder if solar panels are a good investment, we’re going to answer in detail all of your potential questions.

When Rooftop Solar Panels are Worth It

Let’s start with a quick list of some of the criteria you’d want to meet when deciding if solar panels are worthwhile for you to buy. If any of the following points ring true for you, then you probably could benefit from a solar panel installation.

You Find a Solar Panel System for an Unbeatable Price

Solar panel systems are expensive; there’s no way around it. The average rooftop solar panel system in 2023 produces about 10 kW, with an purchase and installation cost of around $20,000.

However, there are exceptional deals out there, as well as lots of good financing options. Do your homework on this one and find a reputable installer who offers good prices and good warranties. The Energy Sage Marketplace is a great place to research the various solar systems and their respective costs.

residential solar panels

You’re a Home/Property Owner

Owning your own property means you have full responsibility when it comes to paying your utility bills. It also means you don’t have to consult anyone prior to installing a rooftop solar panel system.

Your Electricity Bills are Through the Roof

The rising cost of electricity is hitting people hard. The prices keep going up, regardless of whether or not your personal usage is also increasing, staying steady, or even decreasing. Solar panels can be really beneficial in this instance because the higher your electric bill, the faster your solar system will pay itself off. You could see them paid off in as few as 7 years.

When Rooftop Solar Might Not Be Worth It

Although solar power is a viable and great way of creating and using energy, it isn’t for everyone. Here are some of the main deterrents when considering solar.

Your Current Electric Bill is Already Low

Solar panels harness the sun’s free energy. Although the process itself is free, the purchase and installation cost of solar panels is high. They do pay for themselves relatively quickly when you’ve got a huge electric bill because the solar system will offset that cost.

However, if your monthly electric bill is already low, it could take a really long time for the solar panels to pay themselves off. In that case it probably won’t be worth it to purchase an expensive system.

convert solar

Your Solar System Quote is Outrageously High

The average purchase and installation cost for a rooftop solar system is around $20,000, so if you’re getting quotes for significantly more, you should be cautious and probably opt not to go solar.

You Don’t Own Your Home/Business

If you’re a renter, it won’t make sense to purchase a solar system for a home that’s not yours. Similarly, if you live in an apartment, it wouldn’t make any sense to install a solar panel system on top of your apartment building.

Community solar is a great option in these cases, because the solar panels aren’t installed on your property. Instead, they’re in a central location that then sends the generated solar energy to everyone in the community.

The Savings You’ll Get With Solar

Not only is solar an investment in the environment, it’s also a big financial investment. As with any big investment, one of the first questions potential customers have is “how much will this investment save me in the long term? And how long will it take until I’ve paid myself back?”

On average, your rooftop solar system can bring you savings somewhere between $10,000 – $30,000 over the course of the panels’ lifespan. That’s no small sum. This means that in general, homeowners can expect to pay themselves back for their system back (or break even) after around 9 years.

You can get a more accurate picture of your own personal savings by asking yourself some specific questions.

solar savings

What You’re Paying for Electricity

This is one of the biggest deciding factors in determining if going solar will end up saving you money. Take a look at your monthly electric bills and figure out how much electricity you’re using each month, and the exact amount you’re paying.

Although electricity rates vary hugely depending on where in the country you live, the way that the utility companies charge is the same. You’re billed for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy that your home consumes.

It’s worth going into a bit more depth on the regional differences in cost of electricity. For example, you can expect to pay higher rates in a colder part of the country (like the northeast), than you would in a warmer climate such as the south. These rates can vary from 12 cents per kWh all the way to 20 cents or more per kWh.

Having a rooftop solar system will effectively reduce, if not completely eliminate, your monthly electric bills. The time it takes for that to happen will depend in large part on what you’re already paying for electricity. Check out this solar calculator to get a personalized estimate of your potential savings in Virginia Beach.

What Can I Expect to Pay for My Solar Panels?

This is a big question without a one-size-fits-all answer. The purchase and installation cost of a rooftop solar energy system will vary greatly, so you’ll want to make sure you look into all of these factors thoroughly. If you want even more in-depth information on all of these factors, check out our full length article: “How Much Do Solar Panels Cost And Are They Worth It?” to learn more on the types of solar panels, their cost, overall worth, etc.!

Where You Live

Like we mentioned above, the region you live in dictates in large part how much you’ll pay for standard electricity. You’ll typically pay less in a warmer climate, and more in a colder climate.

The purchase and installation price of rooftop solar energy systems also varies depending upon where you live. Something to consider is that the warmer your climate, the more likely it will be that you’ll need a larger solar panel system.

Home Orientation & Type of Roof

Some homes and roofsare perfectly set up for a solar panel system. For example, if your roof faces south and sits on an angle around 30 degrees, this means you’ll have maximum sun exposure, thus allowing your solar panels to harness and create more electricity.

Even if you don’t have the ideal setup for solar panels, you shouldn’t be deterred. Solar panels can be set up on just about any type of roof. You might have to pay a bit more if the installation is tricky, or if you need higher efficiency panels.

home layout

What Size Solar System Will I Need?

This is highly individualized, as each home will need more or less energy. This can depend on how many people are living there, what kind of devices are being used, etc.

Simply put, the more electricity your home consumes, the greater number of solar panels, and thus a larger overall solar system, will be needed. The less electricity you use, the fewer number of panels will be needed, therefore a smaller overall system.

The larger the system, the higher the cost; the smaller the system, the lower the cost.

The Equipment You Choose Impacts Cost

The less well made the solar panels, the cheaper they’ll be. While this lower initial cost can be inviting, it usually doesn’t work out well in the long run. This is because poorly made equipment will usually break down faster, or at the very least, need to be replaced much sooner than its better made counterparts.

Think about it in terms of the savings you’ll experience over time. If you make a larger initial investment into high quality solar equipment, your solar system will be more reliable, and will produce energy for longer. Both of those mean that your return on investment will be better.

Your Solar System’s Installer is Key

There are a lot of companies out there who sell and install solar panels. While they might sell the identical solar panels, the skill level of the installers is what really counts. The more experienced and highly trained the installers are greatly reduces the potential for costly mistakes during the installation process.

Different companies also offer different kinds of warranties, so that’s another area where you’ll want to spend some time on research.

Incentives & Rebates for Going Solar

There are lots of incentives and rebates offered to people who choose to go solar. These can help you get pretty big long-term savings just for going solar, as well as actually reducing the initial cost of your solar system.

Some of the incentives and rebates are available as exemptions on the sales tax for the purchase of your solar system, as well as exemptions on your property taxes. That one is important because simply by installing solar panels on your home, you’re increasing its value, which means your property taxes will increase.

Other ways you can save money from going solar will show up in the form of tax credits from the state, actual cash rebates, performance-based incentives (PBIs), as well as SRECs (solar renewable energy certificates).

One of the best solar incentives available is the ITC, or investment tax credit, and is offered by the federal government. You’re allowed to deduct from your federal income taxes 30% of the price of your solar system and installation. However, your tax rate will also determine whether or not you can take advantage of this credit.

In 2023, the federal solar tax credit can even include your solar battery, and since solar batteries are very expensive, this is a great perk!

save money

Net Metering

While net metering is classified as a form of solar incentive, it deserves its own section because it’s a little more complex. We’ll give a condensed explanation of net metering here, but if you want to do more reading on it, check out our full length, in-depth article on net metering.

An important point to note first is that net metering isn’t offered in all of the states, so you’ll want to do some research to see if your state has it. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE ®) is a good source that keeps track of net metering and various other policies in each state.

Your solar panels are capable of harnessing and producing a lot more electricity than you can use. So what do you do with all this excess?

Something important to note is that net metering only works when your solar system is grid-tied, meaning that while you have a solar energy system, you’re also still connected to the power grid.

Net metering allows you to store the excess energy in the power grid for use at a later date. This allows you to enormously reduce or even totally eliminate your monthly electric bill. You can also get credits on your electric bill because you’re essentially “giving back” to the grid.

Paying for Your Rooftop Solar System

You have plenty of options for how you get your rooftop solar system. You can purchase it outright; you can lease your solar panels; or you can take out a solar loan. Other options include solar leases or power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Buying your solar system with cash is undoubtedly the best way to save the most money in the long term, and will also give you the fastest return on your investment. This option isn’t available to many people, though, and that’s where the other options come in.

Leasing your solar panels is the next best option, because it still affords you a fairly quick turnaround on making your money back. Solar loans are usually zero-down, making it appealing because you don’t have to give up any money up front. While you’ll have to pay the loan back, your savings will still be significant.

Solar leases and power purchase agreements are appealing because again, they’re zero money down, as well as coming with nice perks such as free maintenance. However, your overall savings won’t be very big, so it would take a long time for your system to pay itself off, and might not even do so at all.


Selling vs. Keeping Your Home

This is an important consideration in deciding if solar is a worthwhile investment in 2023. A rooftop solar energy system is a long-term investment. What this means is that while it will definitely pay itself off, it won’t happen overnight.

So how does this relate to home ownership? If you’re planning on staying in your house for a long time (ten or more years), that will give your solar system time to pay itself off and start paying for itself. If you’re planning on selling your home shortly, you might not want to put such a large amount of money into a place you won’t be staying in.

However, on the flip side, a home with a rooftop solar system can sell for 4.1% more than its identical counterpart without a rooftop solar system.

If you choose to lease your solar system, you’ll want to remember that these leases are long term and very hard to cancel. These issues can contribute to difficulty when it comes to selling your house.

Your Solar Panel Payback Period is Important

The generally accepted timeframe in which your solar panels will pay for themselves is about ten years. Because a rooftop solar system comes with such a hefty price tag, it can be the thing that tips the scale either in favor going solar or against it.

So, it’s really important that potential customers have a way to accurately estimate the potential payback period of their solar panels. Energy Sage gives a great explanation of the whole concept.

Payback Period Formula
The following formula will give you a way to get a rough estimate on the time period in which your solar panels can potentially pay themselves off:

(gross solar system cost – upfront incentives) / (annual savings + additional state and/or utility incentives) = estimated payoff period

Real Life Example of the Payback Period Formula

Your new solar PV system costs $15,000, and you received a tax credit of $4,500 in addition to a $1,500 rebate from your state. In this case, your gross solar system cost is $15,000, with the upfront incentives totaling $6,000. This means that your combined cost is $9,000. 
Now, say that your energy bill is $100 every month, and your solar system produces enough energy to cover your energy needs. Your annual savings is your monthly power bill multiplied by 12 months, meaning in the first year of having solar, you’ll save $1,200 on your electricity bills. Some states and utilities also provide incentives that pay you extra for the solar energy your panels generate, like SRECs or the SMART program in Massachusetts: it’s not uncommon for those incentives to put an additional $600 a year into your pocket beyond your electricity savings, meaning an annual benefit of $1,800.
By dividing your combined cost of $9,600 and your annual benefit of $1,800, you can get a more realistic estimate of your payback period. In this example, that’s right around five years!
Example provided by: Energy Sage: Are solar panels worth it in 2023?

Get the Most Savings from Your Solar Panels

There’s no doubt that going solar – whether fully solar, or even just partially solar – will save you a lot of money. But let’s take a quick look on the three main ways to help you save big.

Get the Most Savings from Your Solar Panels

Compare Different Types of Solar Panels & Equipment

When it comes to solar panels and the equipment that comes along with them, the options can seem overwhelming. You’ll again want to do a lot of research to make sure you’re getting the panels and equipment you need.

For example, solar panels have different efficiencies and the ones you choose will be very particular to your specific house and energy needs.

Get Multiple Quotes

As solar gains popularity, the number of solar installation companies increases. This means there’s a lot of competition and it takes thorough research to find the best installer, the best equipment, and the best price to fit your needs.

Look at Local Solar Companies

Inflated pricing is a big problem in the solar panel industry. This is because, although the number of solar panel and equipment manufacturers is increasing quickly, it’s still a relatively small industry. Sometimes the smaller installers actually offer lower, more realistic pricing than their larger counterparts.

Contact Convert Solar Today!

Our Reviews

Based on 542 reviews
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Hannah Alleman
18:00 03 Feb 25
I recommend Convert Solar above all of the other companies that we worked with. They were professional and not pushy, timely and available for when we had questions.
Robert Vaul
16:33 03 Feb 25
Judy Robertson
16:18 31 Jan 25
Very pleased with installers. Worked in extremely cold weather and finished in a timely manner. Did a great job!
Gary Pritt
14:48 02 Jan 25
The entire team at Convert Solar have been a pleasure to do business with! I highly recommend them if you are considering installing solar in your home.
Joslin Gallatin
18:50 01 Jan 25
Hardworking team; very pleasant and flexible.
Don Rowe
14:21 01 Dec 24
We had a great experience with Convert Solar from start to finish. The salesperson, Brian Gearing, was knowledgeable, low pressure, and communicable. They did everything they said they would do and my system works great. I interviewed many other companies and decided on Convert and I’m glad I did. Highly recommend!
Bruce Sharp
21:11 25 Nov 24
I was pleased with the final work. They beat schedule and did a professional job. The only issue was communication. There were 4 iterations of the design on the roof. I also had problems figuring out what the latest status was. I tend to want be able to know the current status of events, and could not always get this information.
Bethany Joynes
16:27 19 Nov 24
Convert Solar may not be the cheapest company for Solar, but I am betting they are one of the best. There is more inter relationship between the Sales, installers, the other management. And very amazing hospitality. It feels more like you are connecting to a family. Ashley is amazing. I know that she goes beyond tg he call of duty. And all the electrians are more a brotherhood than a team. Everyone cares about what they are doing and gives of themselves to the client. I am greatful God led me to them.
Jeff Coshland
16:17 18 Nov 24
Great install team! Work was performed and explained clearly. Super happy with the conversion process.
Edward Grimes
15:43 18 Nov 24
Billy Breeden
16:03 12 Nov 24
Install crew was very efficient, friendly & solved unexpected issues quickly to our satisfaction.
Brandi Sugonis
12:02 30 Oct 24
Convert Solar installers were very friendly and easy to work with. They were very thorough with the install and cleaning up after. They kept me informed of everything they were doing at all times.
Len giordano
14:19 18 Oct 24
My personal experience with Convert Solar has been consistently exceptional. It is rare today to find a company that goes above and beyond every time you contact them but Convert Solar does this as a regular way of business. I have been helped a few times by Alexa Langley, and she is beyond phenomenal every time. Alexa knows her stuff and has been immeasurably helpful in answering questions and helping us understand the true value of solar panels. She is a tremendous asset to us as homeowners with solar panels. If you are looking to get solar panels, I highly recommend Convert Solar with every confidence you will be as happy with them as we are.
Walter Clayborne
17:34 14 Oct 24
It was an outstanding work. It was done in no time. I give him a 10 nice job fellas.
Denise Clark
16:06 14 Oct 24
Very Kind and friendly crew. Also explained everything I had a question about very knowledgeable.
Pete Hunter
23:24 09 Oct 24
Work was completed as planned, the installer went above and beyond to do an excellent job. Very pleased with the outcome
Ezio Cerrato
15:04 07 Oct 24
Matthew Adkins
11:33 01 Oct 24
Process was ok, clean up from venders was non existent. Still to be determined on system performance. Communication was ok, meaning after sale questions took longer to get answers. Will update post and ratings is that comes in a or better then expected. This is a 2.5 experience slightly subpar at the best.
Jim Cumming
17:25 30 Sep 24
Everybody did a great job! Very impressed with work.
Henry Chambers III
21:16 27 Sep 24
Quite good experience through installation, but communication since then has been sorely lacking. I think this company needs to add some staff in the customer support area.
Don Brown
18:16 17 Sep 24
excellent and professional
Jeanne Craig
16:13 06 Sep 24
They were on time, worked quickly and efficiently. It appears they did a great job!
Tyler Jones
12:20 24 Aug 24
Convert Solar is the absolute best solar company out there. My wife and I did months of vetting before choosing to go with them and we are so glad we did! The install went smoothlyand the crew was outstanding. Fours years in and no regrets. Their response time to some minor repairs we've needed has been on point. Tom recently came out to check on us and went above and beyond to make sure everything was as it should be. We highly recommend them and have to many of our friends!
Kevin Ikeda
14:39 20 Aug 24
The solar panel install team was professional, respectful, and hard working. They worked through a couple of rain downpours and installed the solar panels in one day. The electrical team mounted the equipment on day 1, wired up on day 2, and completed configurations on day 3. Conscientious team, mounting the equipment with an eye for symmetry and practicality. Excellent work!!!
Gary Harpold
12:58 14 Aug 24
Installation was clean and efficient
Robert Krause
18:26 15 Apr 24
Convert Solar is the best. They were so easy to work with, not pushy at all, and communicated about the process from start to finish. I have reached out to them several times since installation and they are always super quick to get back to me to answer questions about my solar setup! Looking to expand to add some additional panels to cover an electric car - will not turn to anyone except Convert Solar for the job!
Peter Lafford
20:35 31 Jan 24
Convert Solar installed a 10 kW residential rooftop solar system for us in Charlottesville a little over a year ago, and we're very pleased with how things have been going. Installation was uneventful, and Convert Solar worked with Dominion Energy to get our system turned on and operating seamlessly. Convert Solar was quick to notice and address a hardware issue to get us back online, generating more electricity than we normally use, so we get energy credits or can sell the overproduction to Dominion. We like the fact that the system was installed by the same company that sold us the system, and we have the confidence that Convert Solar will be there to maintain the system into the future. We heartily recommend Convert Solar as a reliable renewable energy partner.
Kyle Raynor
22:51 23 Jan 24
I’ve got a fantastic setup thanks to Convert Solar. I originally had a door-to-door solar company pitch to me and it just felt waayyy too expensive for a half sized system. So I shopped around and a coworker recommended Convert Solar. Never been happier from start to finish. I’ve had my system for 6months now and it’s been awesome to see the production and savings. The team at CS is personable, professional, and easy to work with.After my install, unfortunately I noticed a leak in my roof from heavy rain. Sucks but these things happen, can’t be perfect all the time. What shows that CS is the top solar company in the Virginia Beach area is they had no issue coming out to inspect, locate, and patch the leak ASAP. Even reached out to me after the next heavy rain to verify my house is water tight again.If I ever need solar in the future I will only use Convert Solar. Thanks!
Alex Strand
14:13 04 Jan 24
Convert Solar epitomizes everything you’re looking for in a solar company. They were never too ‘pushy’ unlike other macro installers during my initial Q&A with them. They swiftly answered any of my questions. They adapted to any personal requests I made regarding type of panel, amount, etc. And the whole install process was smooth and easy for me. I even had a microinverter that went bad within the first few months of use, and they were out the next day after it went out to replace it. I had no idea until they showed up?! If I could do it again, I would 100% install with Convert Solar without hesitation.
J Byrd
15:50 29 Aug 22
I called to ask a question concerning my solar panels. Someone named Jordan answered the phone immediately. He was extremely kind, patient and knowledgeable when he answered all of my questions and explained in a way that was understandable. I have been a convert solar customer for almost a year and I am pleased with the company.
Yasmin Valdes
12:32 29 Aug 22
My experience with this company has been very good. I received a few quotes from different companies and there’s was very competitive. The sales rep Melissa has been very helpful in providing information but really what has prompted me to write this amazing review is their service rep Jordan. He is amazingly responsive and really on top of our system to ensure we’re getting the maximum output. Right after the install I was hearing some buzzing sounds from our panel and he came out on a Sunday afternoon to get this fixed. Also, While we were on vacation he actually came by the house because he noticed a few of the panels were not performing as they were supposed to. I am very happy we signed out with this company and our panels look amazing! I am awaiting one final thing to be completed for the job to be done but so far I’m very happy with their service and product.
John F. Childress, Ph.D,
18:49 22 Aug 22
I contracted with Convert Solar to install panels on our roof. From the very first contact, the staff was professional, responsive, and timely. I was always kept apprised of progress of our project. It was completed on time, on budget, and passed all inspections. Installers, electricians, and staff were all pleasant to work with. I am particularly impressed Dylan Kowal who went above and beyond what could have been expected to make sure our needs were met and we were not sold anything we didn’t need. I cannot recommend this company more highly.
William OConnor
17:10 18 Aug 22
I started the solar due diligence process in February. I spoke with four companies and am very happy I took the time to pick the right solar supplier. Convert Solar made solid commitments and met every one of them. Dylan, the representative, was incredibly knowledgeable and professional; the installation went better than expected; and the system is generating more than I thought it would. The entire team was a pleasure to work with. Convert Solar gets my heartiest recommendation!
15:03 25 Jul 22
Had the sales person come out. Def not pushy but signed up. Installation was great. I did have a prob from where the placement of the panels was diff from the plans. I also did not like how line was ran on the side of the building. I mentioned this and they came out and rerouted the wire on my concern.....def a recommended company for meMark S
Bob Marietta
13:56 20 Jul 22
I had a great experience with Convert-Solar. Every aspect of the process went smooth. They offered me a great price, were experts in solar and installed a solar system without issue. The installers went above and beyond. They routed a cable through my attic in such a way to optimize the cosmetic experience from the exterior. Highly recommend this company. After the system was installed, I discovered solar had an added benefit of reflecting or absorbing heat. My house was cooler and the HVAC didn't have to work as hard to keep up.
Garry Johns
16:43 12 Jul 22
Just had my power company come out and change over to my new meter for solar. Immediately called Convert Solar. They were fabulous! walked me through final process with turning the system on while answering all my questions as well. Finally, they helped me with the application download and setup.Now, I am solar! These guys and Earth Right Mid-Atlantic have been outstanding, prompt, and quick from the very beginning.Thank you very much!!
Bruce Frickey
17:09 20 Jun 22
After almost a year of enjoying my Convert Solar installed system on my house I called with a quick question. Jordan answered quickly, looked up my account and gave me what I needed. The energy production from my roof has been great, along with the continued customer support from Convert. There is a real benefit from choosing a local company established in the community when purchasing a system you expect to use for 30 years!
Tyler Ryan
22:43 13 Jun 22
Let me preface and state that I am individual that seeks out local business as opposed to big chains. I had already made the immediate decision to get solar on our new home the day we had moved in. When we began calling local solar companies, those that we did meet with did not give us exactly what we were looking for. They were either not giving us enough panels, offset, or to much in terms of pricing vs competitors. When I contacted VA energy Solutions not only did they hear us loud and clear they understood our urgency to immediately get the ball rolling.When we had met with Steven I had instantly told him that I wanted as many panels as possible so that we can get our offset as close to if not over 100%. After initial inputs and testing and then coming back later on after they had gotten drone footage, they were able to get 62 panels on our home. This put our offset at ~90% and mind you this is with many many trees around us that were blocking potential energy from hitting our panels. We have since gotten down some of the trees and are still working on getting rid of the other trees that are blocking the panels at sunrise and sunset, once the said trees are down we should easily be at 100% offset if not extraordinarily close.On the day of the installation for the 62 panels the workers had arrived at our home at 7am, and they did not leave until almost 9pm. These workers wanted to ensure that the panels were installed on the day of and not a day later, they worked through such high temperatures. We had given them lots of water, and Gatorade and even snacks for how hard they worked on getting everything done. It was surreal with how much they pushed themselves to ensure that the job was done on the same day. Our installation is an uncommon one with the way our roof is and with how many we had to be installed mind you. Overall the experience has been great and we are looking forward to being able to have our 100% power once we get the rest of the trees down. It is going to be great to see the lack of an energy bill from dominion once we are at that point.
Tyler Ryan
22:43 13 Jun 22
Let me preface and state that I am individual that seeks out local business as opposed to big chains. I had already made the immediate decision to get solar on our new home the day we had moved in. When we began calling local solar companies, those that we did meet with did not give us exactly what we were looking for. They were either not giving us enough panels, offset, or to much in terms of pricing vs competitors. When I contacted VA energy Solutions not only did they hear us loud and clear they understood our urgency to immediately get the ball rolling.When we had met with Steven I had instantly told him that I wanted as many panels as possible so that we can get our offset as close to if not over 100%. After initial inputs and testing and then coming back later on after they had gotten drone footage, they were able to get 62 panels on our home. This put our offset at ~90% and mind you this is with many many trees around us that were blocking potential energy from hitting our panels. We have since gotten down some of the trees and are still working on getting rid of the other trees that are blocking the panels at sunrise and sunset, once the said trees are down we should easily be at 100% offset if not extraordinarily close.On the day of the installation for the 62 panels the workers had arrived at our home at 7am, and they did not leave until almost 9pm. These workers wanted to ensure that the panels were installed on the day of and not a day later, they worked through such high temperatures. We had given them lots of water, and Gatorade and even snacks for how hard they worked on getting everything done. It was surreal with how much they pushed themselves to ensure that the job was done on the same day. Our installation is an uncommon one with the way our roof is and with how many we had to be installed mind you. Overall the experience has been great and we are looking forward to being able to have our 100% power once we get the rest of the trees down. It is going to be great to see the lack of an energy bill from dominion once we are at that point.
Lynn Miller
18:56 10 Jun 22
I knew for my new home I wanted Solar and I interviewed several companies before deciding on Convert Solar. Why Convert? First, they educated me on solar not to sell me but to explain how it worked, what questions I needed to ask them and others and where to look for independent information. Then I asked them who their strongest competitor was and they immediately gave a name of a company that i had heard was good. I interviewed the other company and liked them a lot and their pricing was the same. So why again? Because they took multiple steps to educate me. Have had follow up time to talk with me way after the sale. Oh, and my solar works fantastic in that Convert estimated that solar would only cover about 78% of the cost of power at the house, today it is covering 100%.
18:40 10 Jun 22
Excellent experience. No gimmicks of "discounting" the cost by my tax incentive. Everything went according to plan with exception of needing to get a roof vent moved. I pointed this out to the sales folks and they should have just told me to take care of that before installation rather than saying it was going to be fine. Installers had to stop and come back another day to finish after I got the vent moved.
Nash Thakker
16:06 10 Jun 22
My experience with Solar Energy was A+ with Convert SolarTony was great and very helpful; he gave me an awesome deal which was much better than anyone in the solar market. He explained everything and showed comparative data from the start and handled our 1,000+ questions that we had.Convert solar team did an awesome job installing the panels; the crew was very professional and walked me through the entire process during installation and adjusted the solar panel according to the way we were anticipating. Overall, this project required very little from me once I made the initial choices and was managed well from start to finish. The timelines were met, the build was fast, and it looks good. The quality of consulting and professionalism were excellent. The electrician also conducted excellent work (wiring the panel) and explaining all the information. The best part, they also cleaned up everything (inside and outside) the house after installation (left no debris behind). We are happy with the installation and looking forward to many years of solar bliss. I would recommend Tony for Solar needs and his team to anyone. Thank you to everyone on the team. Great job!
Joe and Amal Hall
16:34 27 May 22
We got solar panels done on our very first home and it was definitely a big risk and and a big decision.We interviewed many solar companies but eventually found honesty and real customer service with Convert Solar. Our salesperson was Jeremy Davis and my husband and I were so pleased with the work they did. Many solar companies try to confuse you and aren't clear about certain terms in the contract and what they provide. With Jeremy, he proved us wrong. All our questions were answered and explained extremely well (an we were very detailed with the contract). Jeremy provided a customer service that we did not experience with any other solar power company. He truly wanted the best for us and our home and his enthusiasm for solar and his career showed through every conversation.I highly recommend convert solar. They offer competitive prices and strong customer service that puts them above the rest. Our panels have been doing well and we couldn't be happier.If you work with convert solar, ask for Jeremy - he will make your experience 10x better.
Dylan Hunger
16:29 17 May 22
I worked with Convert Solar to get a system that was installed five years ago by a different company (that is no longer in business) repaired. I specifically worked with Jordan, and I must say he was fantastic. The system was completely non-functional due to a "DC Isolation Fault" (it is a SolarEdge system). Jordan had everything up and running again in just a few hours, he cleaned up behind himself, and answered every question I had. Would have went with them initially, if I knew about their business in 2017. Would highly recommend their services to anyone that is seeking them.
William Weatherly
00:46 03 May 22
I would like to start by saying I’m a very Skeptical person with anything new that I don’t fully understand. With that said I really appreciate the professional approach that Convert Solar had with the initial call and throughout the whole install process. I want to especially shout out appreciation to Freddie(our salesman) who took the time to explain everything so that we felt completely comfortable. I would strongly recommend using this company to take care of all your solar power needs.
Xavier Manzeralla
23:08 25 Apr 22
I’m leaving a review now, after having my solar panels installed about a year and a half ago by Convert Solar. I am so happy to have gone with this company for my solar panels! I love that they are a Virginia company, and they have never let me feel like I just spent a ton of money with a company and then was forgotten about. They have been just a call, text, or email away, for any of my questions about my system, and I just wanted to let everyone know - I couldn’t be happier with this company! 😊
Pete Kern
23:46 15 Mar 22
Convert Solar!!! Especially Jordan (Tech Guy) and Mara (spelling? Customer Service). They do a great job!!! I have had my 28 panel solar array for about two years and I am starting to see a massive impact to my electric bill. Very Happy with Convert!!!Shopped around to a few Solar companies and Convert is the standard!!!
Monique Farrington
12:29 08 Mar 22
The interactions during my entire process of installation was remarkable! I appreciated the professionalism, work ethic, timeliness, attention to detail, and responsiveness of this company. Julie, my project manager was EVERYTHING! She was able to quickly get my needs met and questions answered. I am so thankful too to those who were tasked to tend to my needs. After my install and inspection, I had a coincidental (we discovered after troubleshooting, thoroughly) power outage to only 1 section of my home. Hunter and his supervisor figured out the problem and fixed it (unrelated to the solar panel install). They went above and beyond. For this too, I am so grateful! I highly recommend Convert Solar when you decide to go solar! 🙂
Jack Kauffman (Vegantreehugger3)
20:19 11 Feb 22
We are so happy with our solar system. We have had it for two years and love that we are doing something for the environment. The system was well planned and we have just a little more solar power than our consumption these last two years. Their service has been above expectation. Twice in the two years our inverter failed and once they came out to replaced it before we were aware that it was not functioning properly. They are just as good with their warrantee service and support as they were with the planning and installation of the system.
Chris Long
19:14 27 Jan 22
I'm ecstatic to share my experience and install with Convert Solar! Fred and Pierre gave an awesome presentation to my wife and I and answered EVERY question and concern that we had! Install was today and I couldn't be more pleased and happy with the professionalism and work done! Roofers/Panel install (Matt and his team (sorry I cant remember all of your names) ) were super professional and explained the process before they started! I hovered a lot (sorry lol) but I had so many "what if's" circling in my head and I didn't want a rush job! Matt and the team didn't mind and continued to make me at ease with their work! The Electricians Robert and Cameron were awesome! The level of anxiety I feel whenever it comes to electricity and the thought of having to do anything inside of my electrical panel were intensified when adding wires, junction boxes and power sources to the mix! But these two gentlemen quickly extinguished those thoughts of uncertainty and doubt with their knowledgeable explanations, installation and all around professionalism! A few more steps are needed before the system is completely up and running but I write this review from my couch, relaxed and without any cares or regrets! Thanks Convert Solar, everyone mentioned and those that were here but I didn't get your names! My wife and I appreciate you all!
Heather Gotliboski
13:30 17 Nov 21
Convert Solar has kept us informed every step of the way, fully and patiently explained the process of going solar, and have been extremely responsive in each encounter with them to include coming out to our home 1 hour after reporting a panel error and fixing it immediately! They even followed the visit up with a phone call to ensure great service!
Andrew Guzman
02:37 15 Nov 21
My experience with Convert Solar has been amazing. Fred MacArthur was a wonderful salesman that explained the entire process honestly and did not hold anything back. The install crew were super professional and had the install of 20 panels complete within 5 hours. I have had an absolutely great experience with the company and 10/10 recommend it for anyone looking to convert!!!
Tal Day
18:55 12 Nov 21
We retrofitted an existing home with a southwest exposure in Virginia's Northern Neck in spring 2021. The first step in the process was a visit by a sales representative who inspected the site. This included looking at rafters in the attic and running a drone to construct a heat map of the roof surface. He also looked at a year's worth of utility bills. With that information he furnished an estimate which we accepted and the install was scheduled. The installation crew consisted of four people to install roof panels and an electrician and assistant to connect into a home system, through the transfer switch for an emergecy generator. The entire install took 4-hours. This was a well-planned, custom installation that was efficiently implemented on-site. Outstanding!
robert caley
16:11 11 Nov 21
Sales representative was great , knowledgeable and answered all my questions. The guys showed up on time as scheduled. My system was installed and operational the same day. I highly recommend Convert Solar. My electric bill is only about $9.00 per month and that is for the utility service and taxes. Love it, Thank you Convert Solar!
Samuel Dillon
14:53 11 Nov 21
My experience working with the folks at Convert Solar has been truly awesome! Mara Gianini did a fantastic job leading me through the many steps in the project from helping with the technical specs through the installation process and the inspection/certification effort. I could not be more pleased. I have to say also that I was particularly impressed by Winston and his installation crew. Their level of professionalism was evident from the moment they arrived at my home until they packed up for the day. They answered all of my questions, were responsive to my concerns, and were incredibly polite and well spoken. My hat is off to the entire Convert Solar team.
Rosana OBrien
15:50 25 Jun 21
Installation crew was spectacular! Got all panels and electrical connections nicely done in less than a day! Job completed looks neatly done and works very efficiently! Finance and price is very affordable. No money out of pocket was needed! Bow i am just enjoying producing my own clean energy and no more power bills! Love it!
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