
Benefits of Going Solar

Did you know that it’s now becoming cheaper to go solar than it is to pay the Utility Company? Find out more by contacting us today so you can find out the Benefits Beyond the Bottom Line with your system.

Benefits Beyond the bottom line

We want to do our part to bring clean energy into the hands of our local neighborhoods and businesses at a fair and affordable price. Why? Because solar is a cleaner source of energy, helps you gain energy independence and freedom, helps get you more protection and predictability out of rising utility rates, and can increase the value of your home.

Overall Savings

The savings you’ll get from your solar panels are extraordinary and immediate. You can feel great knowing that not only will you be helping the environment, but you’ll also be saving thousands of dollars right off the bat. And long-term, the average residential system payback period is nine years, and commercial system payback is seven years. That is a fantastic return on your investment!

Protection Against Rising Rates

Convert Solar understands the importance of knowing what you’re paying for. By going solar, our clients know that their rates are going to stay the same. Unlike regular electricity, solar energy doesn’t all of a sudden increase in price month to month. This means that our clients aren’t getting unpleasant, unexpected surprises on their monthly electricity bills.


A predictable source of power is something else our clients seek. This means that by going solar, our clients can feel secure knowing that in case of a power outage, their solar powered systems can still function with the help of a backup battery system. Their solar system can run independently of the electric grid, which means there will be no annoying interruptions in power.

Tax Credits

In Virginia, the Federal Investment Tax Credit (or ITC) is one of the best incentives for property owners. It allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your solar system equipment from your taxes. We offer direction on current state and federal incentives for residents of Virginia. Want to know the most up-to-date information? Give us a call!

Increased Home Value

When you get solar panels installed, you’re automatically increasing your home’s value. Typically, homes with solar panels are worth about $20,000 more than homes without solar. According to Zillow, a home sale’s site, a home with solar panels can sell 20% faster, and have an increase of 4% equity, than a home without solar.

Low Emissions/Better For The Environment

Solar panels are a great way for you to help clean up the environment and lower your carbon footprint. Since solar energy doesn’t produce carbon emissions, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re doing your part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your community.  

We Make Solar Easy

Zero-risk Analysis.

Take advantage of our customized, no-cost, zero-risk analysis of your home or business. You'll get an idea of your property's potential to benefit from solar and leave nothing to chance.

$0 Out-Of-Pocket.

We have excellent financing options available. In addition to $0 down, $0 out-of-pocket, we'll ensure you have all tax incentive information so you can provide your tax preparer with the right info.

The Ultimate Warranty.

You won't lose a moment's sleep with our exclusive 25-year, zero-risk, bumper-to-bumper, $0 out-of-pocket, unconditional warranty, which also includes a 25-year warranty on parts.

Top Tier Partnerships