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Norfolk Academy Solar Story

Click through the slides below to learn more about our Solar Story.


The solar designer uses a 3D modeling app to build a graphic display of where the panels will be located on the rooftop.


All tools and supplies are gathered and moved to the roof before work can start.


Circuits and panel supports are carefully laid out according to the master plan.


Solar panels are securely fastened to the roof to maximize exposure to the sun and withstand high winds during storms.


During layout, the solar panels are carefully aligned and fastened in place, one by one.


After a section is mounted, the circuits are wired and connected together.


After the sections are assembled and circuits connected, the solar panels are connected to an inverter.


The inverter converts the Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC) so the AC electricity can power the school.

Our Solar Power System

Facts About The Norfolk Academy Solar Installation

  • The lower and middle school installation in September of 2018
  • A $1 million solar array was bought by Sun Dogs, LLC, a Norfolk Academy parent-owned company
  • The system generates about 610 kilowatts, or enough to power about 80 homes
  • It is tied to the Dominion Energy power grid, which means Dominion pays Norfolk Academy for electricity generated in excess of what we use
  • The owners of Sun Dogs, LLC (NA parents) will fully recoup their investment in about 7 years
  • After the parents recoup their investment, the LLC will then give the solar array to the school
  • NA gets the solar array with no money out-of-pocket
  • Touch kiosks inside the school have a live dashboard that shows the real-time view of actual energy production used by the school
  • The solar panels generate about 325 watts each
  • Maintenance building: 150 panels
  • Middle school: 510 panels
  • Lower school: 1200 panels
  • The system produces about 610 kilowatts of power total
  • Total energy production has reduced the NA’s carbon footprint by about 30%
  • $80,000 annually in free electricity
  • Reduction in need for air conditioning
  • Increases life expectancy of our roof
  • Decreases the school’s carbon footprint
  • Sets a great example of sustainable, green energy production for Hampton Roads
  • Enables our students to learn first-hand about renewable energy